Pokemon Rom Hacks: These are custom Pokemon ROMs that I have personally enjoyed. ROM Hacks are total remakes of the games done by fans. They’re a great way to experience the Pokemon world. They add tons of quality of life changes, new content, story, and increased difficulty! Pokemon veterans love these, because the original games can be too easy. For a real challenge, try Nuzlocking some of these ROM hacks. You’ll be in for quite the challenge. Some of these fights are ridiculously hard. If you’re tired of the main series games, give these a shot! Definitely worth checking out.
Pokemon NTEVO: NTEVO is a No Trade Evolution ROM. In these custom Pokemon ROMs, Pokemon that normally only evolve through trading are given alternative ways to evolve, which can be found in this document. These ROMs are great for players who don’t want to change the core game too much, but would still like to be able to build a team they want, without having to worry about trading. These are perfect for emulators, where it is difficult to trade and evolve Pokemon. You can finally get Alakazam, Gengar, and all the other Pokemon you couldn’t get before on the original games.
Remember to use the Contact page if you have any suggestions on games I should add, or if something isn’t working for you. I can help troubleshoot. Also, share the website with your friends please!